английский язык

Исправьте ошибки!!!  1 It is something i want to tell you.  2 I wrote a letter to Alice's and Susan's grandfather  3 What is this policemen doing now?  4 What was she do when the telephone rang?  5 I wish I will have a dog.  6 If he will ask me about it, I will tell him everythink.  7 She did not write the test because she already wrote it.  8 My grandfather works in this hospital for nine years.  9 I have been visiting that museum five times.  10 She has lived in Omsk for 2005

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Ответ №1

1 - There is something I want to tell you
2 - I wrote a letter to Alice and Susan's grandfather
3 - What is this policeman doing now?
4 - What was she doing when the telephine rang?
5 - I wish I have a dog
6 - if he asks me about it? I will tell him everything
7 - she did not write a test because she had already written it
8 - my grandfather have been working in this hospital for nine years
9 - I have visited that museum five times
10 не поняла, что имеется в виду. Она жила в Омске на протяжении 2005 лет?

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