английский язык
III. Переделайте побудительные предложения в косвенную речь. Начинайте предложения со слов "he told me," "he ordered," "he demanded," "he asked": 1. Put out the lights when you leave the house. 2. Return these books to the library, please. 3. Leave me alone. 4. Drive the car carefully, please. 5. Put down your name and address here. 6. Don't forget to call me when you get home. 7. Don't go out in such bad weather. 8. Don't be angry with her. 9. Don't be late for the meeting. 10. Will you help me carry this box? 11. Will you give Mr. Smith this message? 12. Can you show me the way out? 13. May I use your dictionary? 14. Could you do me a favour? 15. Leave the room immediately! 16. Stop talking! 17. Mind your own business! 18. Don't play with fire.
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