английский язык

Помогитееееееееееее в каком времени построены предложения He works for a company based in Chile. We are flying to Beijing now. He couldn’t come. He had a meeting. The new model is slightly cheaper than its main competitors. Norway has some of the greatest reserves of energy in Europe. Aisha left the company in 1978 to start her own business. How nice to see you! How long will you stay? Recently, there has been a drop in unemployment figures. Has the cost of living dropped recently? In recent years, we have cut the workforce by two hundred. When did you leave your last job? Inflation rose by 0.3% again last month. Last year, we lost our best manager. Motorists have benefitted from cheaper petrol prices in the last six months.

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Ответ №1

Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple
Present Simple
Present Simple
Past Simple
Future Simple
Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Present Perfect
Past Simple
Past Simple
Past Simple
Present Perfect

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