английский язык

Переделайте в косвенную речь  1."Excuse me,what time does the next train leave?" the man said (ask) 2."Send me a nice potcard from Paris,"Carl said to Jenny.( tell) 3."What time are we leaving tomorrow?"John wondered (ask) 4."Do not forget to renew your passport,"Suze said to Tommy (tell) 5."Call me from your hotel as soon as you arrive,"Mum said to me (tell) 6. "How old is the Taj Mahal?" a tourist wanted to know (ask)

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Ответ №1

1)the man asked the next train left
2)carl told Jenny to send him a nice postcard from Paris
3)John wondered what time we were leaving next day
4)Suze told Tommy not to forget to renew his passport
5)mum told me to call herfrom my hotel as soon as I arrive
6)a tourist wanted to know about how old the Taj Mahal was

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