английский язык

Пожалуйста помогите Нужно составить на каждую тему 3 предложения 1.Вопросительное 2.Отрицательное 3.Повествовательное На темы : 1. Present Simple 2. Present Continuous 3. Past Simple 4. Past Continuous  5. Can / Could всего должно получиться 15 предложений

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Ответ №1

1 Present simple
I go to school every day.
Do I go to school every day?
I don't go to school on weekend
2. Past simple
Yesterday I was in the cinema with my friends.
When did you go to the cinema with your friends?
I did not go to the cinema with my patent yesterday.
3. Future simple
In summer I will no go to school.
Who will bring you this book tomorrow?
He will not come tomorrow.

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