английский язык

Fill in the correct words endangered,prevent,task,climates,release,expert,extinct,warming,changed,make. 1)Tropical..................are hot and humid. 2)The heavy snowfall may...........us from going out. 3)Bringing up children is a difficult.......................... 4)Global....................affect the sea level. 5)That scientists is a(n)................on fossil fuels. 6)Something has to be done before more animals and plants become........ 7)Cars ............. fumes and pillute the atmosphere. 8)He promised to come but then he.......his mind. 9)We can all ............a difference to the environment. 10)Gorillas are a(n)............species

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1) Tropical...climates....are hot and humid.
2) The heavy snowfall may...prevent..us from going out.
3) Bringing up children is a difficult...task....
4) Global.....warming...affects the sea level.
5) That scientists is an...expert....on fossil fuels.
6) Something has to be done before more animals and plants become..extinct..
7) Cars ..release... fumes and pillute the atmosphere.
8) He promised to come but then he..changed...his mind.
9) We can all ..make....a difference to the environment.
10) Gorillas are an...endangered....species.

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