английский язык

Complete each sentence so that it contains the words given. I’m completely soaked! We are silly! We ….should have taken an umbrella.... (should/umbrella) I’ve lost my bag. I think I ………(must/bus)……………………..….. . I tried to phone Sam, but I ……(couldn't/get through)…………... . I forgot Kate’s birthday. I ………(should/present)……………….... . The cat doesn’t like fruit! It ……(can't/orange)…………………….. . Jo hasn’t turned up yet. I suppose she …(might/address)……….. . I did badly in the test. I …………(ought/harder)….. . It’s a shame we didn’t go on holiday. We …(could/good time)…... .

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Ответ №1

Must have left it in the bus.
Couldn't get through.
Should have bought a present.
Can't stand oranges.
Might have forgotten the address.
Ought to have worked harder.
Could have had a good time.

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