английский язык

1 My sister works in a hotel. _________________work at the weekend 2 tourists can spend two weeks in the Sahara desert ____________slep in tents 3) Lets go to the sports centre _________________ pay 4) Jacks got a job at a restaurant. What _______________do 5) Visitors to the factory heve to wear special clothes. Why______________ do that.

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Ответ №1

1) My sister works in a hotel. She has to work at the weekend.
2) Tourists can spend two weeks in the Sahara desert. They have to sleep in
3) Let's
go to the sports centre. We don't have to pay.
4) Jacks got a job at a
restaurant. What does he have to do?
5) Visitors to the factory have to
wear special clothes. Why do they have to do that?

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