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Ответ №1

"Zveropolis" was created by directors Byron Howard [en] and Rich Moore, Jared Bush sorezhissёrom [en]. The film tells about Zveropolise - modern city populated by a variety of animals, from huge elephants to tiny shrews. Zveropolis divided into districts, repeats the natural habitat of different residents - there is also an elite district area of ​​the Sahara, and surly Tundrataun. In this city there is a new police officer, cute rabbit Judy Hops, which from the first days of work realizes how difficult it is to be a small and fluffy among large and strong police. Judy takes on the very first opportunity to prove themselves, despite the fact that her partner would be cunning fox-crook Nick Wilde. Together they will uncover a complex matter of the missing animals.

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