английский язык

Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets 1. When Sam ... (arrive), I ... (do) my homerowrk 2. We ... (have) a party when the neighbours ... (phone) the police 3. Paul ... (not sleep) when the alarm clock ... (go off). 4. What ... (you, do) when you ... (see) the robbery? 5. I ... (not see) David Beckham while he ... (live) in Spain. 6. ... (it, rain) when you ... (leave) the house this morning?

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Ответ №1

1)arrived,i have done my homework.
2)have had
3)has not slept 
went off
4)have you done
5)havent seen
6)has rained

Ответ №2

1. When Sam arrived, I was doing my homerowork.
2. We were having a party when the neighbours phoned the police.
3. Paul wasn't sleeping when the alarm clock went off.
4. What were you doing when you saw the robbery?
5. I didn't see David Beckham while he was living in Spain.
6. Was it raining when you left the house this morning?

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