английский язык

1. Match the sentence halves. 1 Please sit a) into the car. 2. You can turn b) down on this chair. 3. Ana's friends got c) for clues. 4. The men ran d) on the TV now. 5. The boy stood e) after the thief. 6. They're looking f) up when the bell rang. 2. Write the past form of these verbs 1 begin 2 open 3 take 4 disappear 5 find 6 write 7 give 8 discover 9 turn

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Правильный ответы 1b, 2c, 3f, 4e, 6d,задание номер 2 begin-began open-opened take-took disappear-disappeared find-found write-wrote give-gave discover-discovered turn-turned

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