английский язык

Помогите, пожалуйста! закончи текст, раскрыв скобки. Sam is (be) Ten/ He________(like) to swim/ He ______(go) to the swimming pool every Saturday/ Sam _______(Like) to go to the swimming pool with his friends/ H _____(get up) at 10 am on Saturday/ His mother _______________(cook) a very tasty breakfast. Sam ____(eat) it and then ______(go) to the swimming pool/ Sam ____(love) Saturdays! The ____(be) much fun!

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Ответ №1

Sam is ten. He likes to swim. He goes to the swimming pool every Saturday. Sam likes to go to the swimming pool with his friends. He gets up at 10 am on Saturday(Saturdays лучше). His mother cooks a very tasty breakfast. Sam eats it and then he goes to the swimming pool. Sam loves Saturdays!(В конце я не понял, что ты написал. Лучше напиши - He gets a lot of fun there.)

Во всех случаях используется время Present simple

Ответ №2

Is,likes,goes,likes,gets up,cooks,eats,goes,loves,sare

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